We hope you enjoyed this year’s Thanksgiving with your families. But along with getting together with loved ones means indulging in all the holiday food. Mashed potatoes and gravy, pumpkin pie, turkey with all the stuffing, duck, beef, pork, bacon, high fructose corn syrup, seafood, caviar, and alcohol, especially beer can lead to toe pain or a gout flare up.
At Family Foot & Leg Center, we see a lot of post-holiday gout cases. Gout is a chronic condition but it may not always cause pain. When uric acid builds up in the joints, this is when you get the painful, red, swollen toe. Unfortunately, a lot of the thanksgiving dinner foods are high in purines, which in turn can raise uric acid levels. The excess uric acid can produce uric acid crystals, which then build up in the soft tissues and joints such as the wrist, knee, ankle, and more commonly the big toe joint, causing the painful gout flare-ups.
This is the reason why the holidays create these painful gout triggers. If you big toe is very red, hot, swollen, and very painful, don’t stay at home this Black Friday going through the pain and hoping that things will get better. You can easily schedule an appointment with our offices in SWFL by calling (239) 430-3668 (FOOT) option 2 or use our online 24/7 self-scheduling
Gout can be very painful and has a tendency to recur. We have our specialists ready to give you effective pain relief and lessen the likelihood of future gout flare-ups.