Post Bunionectomy Follow-up
Peabody and Reverse Peabody
The range of motion is good, patient is active, and able to go back to her activities. Minimally invasive surgery gives you the benefit of virtually no scars, no joint stiffness, hardly any pain, and recovery is relatively easy.
Minimally invasive Bunion Surgery
#Peabody #Bunion #BunionSurgery #Bunionectomy #LamModifiedBunionectomy #MinimallyInvasiveBunionectomy #MinimallyInvasiveSurgery #FootSurgery #SWFL #FloridaBunion #FloridaPodiatrist #FootandAnkle #ReversePeabody
End the misery of bunions with minimal recovery time, and most remarkably, very minimal to no scars! Cost effective , can be done in the safety of the office surgical suite. Virtually painless!
For more information on Peabody Bunionectomy, contact Family Foot & Leg Center, P.A.
at (239) 430-3668 or visit